Ontario Retirement Communities Association
Note: These link to the Gardens Retirement main site.
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Ontario Retirement Communities Association
What is ORCA:
- The Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA) is a voluntary non-profit association that represents operators of retirement residents in Ontario. ORCA supports members to meet provincial regulations, adopt best practices and promote quality and excellence in all areas of operation.
- As an member of ORCA, Orchard View by the Mississippi believes in the value of being part of a community of retirement home operators who share a common goal to provide quality, comfortable and enriching experiences for seniors.
- ORCA member homes have access to the most up to date and comprehensive education and resources specifically for Ontario’s retirement home sector.
What is ORCA Accreditation:
- ORCA Accreditation is a voluntary, third party assessment that encompasses provincial regulations and operational best practices for retirement homes.
- Orchard View by the Mississippi is an ORCA Accredited retirement community, committed to the well-being, safety and comfort of our residents.
- To successfully obtain an ORCA accreditation, a retirement home must undergo a thorough review of all policies, training records and documentation, interviews with the administrator, staff and residents, and an on-site inspection. The review is conducted by an independent third party with extensive experience in the retirement homes sector. Each retirement home is evaluated against 80 ORCA standards that cover all provincial regulations and sector best practices.